
ilyanengen avatar image
ilyanengen asked David Marginian answered

eConduit app on Clover Flex


Normally I use iOS Clover Connector SDK to handle payments from my iOS app and it is working fine.

But now I need to add payments with eConduit.

I have installed the eConduit app on my Clover Flex device. eConduit app is CONNECTED, but I don't know how I can send sale request to eConduit app and get response.

How can I send my Sale Request to eConduit app on Clover Flex ? Is it possible?

PS: I have checked eConduit SDK, but it has only only https requests.

Clover Connector iOS SDK docs:

eConduit SDK docs:

Thank you

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

eConduit is a REST based API. If you need assistance with eConduit you should probably contact the eConduit folks.

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