
sunrisesurfshop avatar image
sunrisesurfshop asked David Marginian edited

Why can't I exchange discounted items?

We give out a lot of discounts as our retail store has a large local following. In addition, we run a BOGO 1/2 OFF year round and it's concerning that we're unable to exchange discounted items. It's makes the exchange process so much more challenging and tedious. Exchanges now for our bogo 1/2 off sale as well as others will have to be not only done manually, but without any sort of categorization or itemization. Clover, can you please fix this! This is a huge part of our business. Please advise.

Ordersclover developer communityClover StationRefundClover Station 2018
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bobbybruce avatar image
bobbybruce answered sunrisesurfshop commented

I'm having same issue. Really stops us from doing any promotional sales. Returns and exchanges become a pain in the ass if doing a bogo 1/2. I wonder if there's a way you can do a manual refund line item by line item as a workaround?

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sunrisesurfshop avatar image sunrisesurfshop commented ·

@bobbybruce No idea how this isn't apart of the system. Every retail store I've ever been into can handle bogos on returns or exchanges.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

Thank you for the feedback. I am following up on this with the POS team and will let you know when I hear from them.


We have created an internal issue to track this and it is being considered. I don't have an ETA on it but I will update here when I hear updates.

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sunrisesurfshop avatar image sunrisesurfshop commented ·

Thank you and please get back as soon as possible. It's imperative that we get this worked out or otherwise, we can't go forward with the clover system

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

I found an internal issue regarding this but I do not have an ETA on when it will be addressed. bobbybruce, it is possible to refund line items. From the orders app select the order of interest and then select one of the line items. You will be presented with the "Exchange/Refund" choices, select "Refund Items". The next view will allow you to select the items you would like to refund. Can you try this out and let me know if it is acceptable for now, and if not why?

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bobbybruce avatar image bobbybruce commented ·

Yes it does work for the bogo item but not the regular price item. From a customer experience, it’s not good because it requires us to void the bogo sale and create a new order. Ex: if you bought $30 and the bogo 1/2 item was $20 ($10 after 50% applied), you can get correct refund for the bogo ($10), but the not the correct refund for the regular price ($30). It’s not fair for the merchant if the customer is taking advantage of the bogo - getting back the full price item refund and keeping the half price item

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bobbybruce avatar image bobbybruce bobbybruce commented ·
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ bobbybruce commented ·

Thank you for clarifying this. I am documenting and passing this on to the team. In this case though you have a purchase of two 20 dollar items, one is 50% off or 10$ for a total of $30. If the customer wants to exchange one of the items you refund the bogo amount $10 dollars and the customer has paid 20$ or full price of the item they are keeping. Is the problem here that the Clover operator has to refund the correct line item or else the merchant loses?

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bobbybruce avatar image bobbybruce David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

the bogo item itself, that's okay. It's a problem when we're trying to refund the regular priced item. That's really the problem. I can send over some of the receipt examples that we're talking about if you can provide an email.Let me know. thnx @David Marginian

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