
gupta1812 avatar image
gupta1812 asked gupta1812 commented

how to open or launch customer app of clover using intent?

I want to verify the customer is existing or not. If not, then we have to launch customer app and add customer from there.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered gupta1812 commented

Have you considered using the CustomerConnector to check for and create the customer if they don't exist?

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gupta1812 avatar image gupta1812 commented ·

Yes, I am Using Customer Connector for creating the customer but unfortunately there were some missing in code, that's why it didn't work. Main concern is, I want to launch default Customer app from my app.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ gupta1812 commented ·

What does "there were some missing in code mean"?

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gupta1812 avatar image gupta1812 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

It shows this error "does not have permission CUSTOMERS_W". How can i resolve this. even i gave the permission of read and write no sandbox account for the customer app.

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