
danielbateman avatar image
danielbateman asked csiworks answered

Multi-market use-case, set sales tax at time-of-sale

Regarding sales tax rates and the clover point of sale:

Using Clover Go's for traveling sales reps. Launching Clover in a small pilot before going nationwide. I'm doing two markets to start: Nashville and Raleigh.

My reps travel a radius of 200 miles from each market....

Nashville, which has a 9.25% sales tax, also services Kentucky (~6%) and Alabama (~4%). Based on what I’ve learned about Clover, there’s no way to dynamically charge sales tax rates based on the customer’s billing zip code or geo-location.

Here's the problem:

  • Raleigh (market 1) – unique merchant account
    • Virginia pays Raleigh tax
    • South Carolina pays Raleigh tax
  • Nashville (market 2) – unique merchant account
    • Kentucky pays Nashville tax
    • Alabama customers pay Nashville tax rate

This is a bad customer experience. I'm wondering is there a solution to this issue? Out-of-the box or something I can update real-time at the time-of-sale, just before checkout?


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1 Answer

csiworks avatar image
csiworks answered

There is a 3rd party app available that handles this situation for all Clover devices except for Clover Go. Merchants can install an app called Geo Tax Changer. It will do what you described above. Check out video here:

or app page on CLover here:

*For Clover Go we will release this app in 2020.

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