
robsmitha avatar image
robsmitha asked robsmitha commented

How to integrate payeezy with cc swipe/chip on a clover device?

We are using payeezy to process credit card payments online using their direct api ( and all these transactions show up in allowing us to view and refund credit card transactions from our account on that website.

However, swiped or chip payments on the physical clover device do no show up on the website and we are only able to refund them on a physical device or on the clover web dashboard. How can we get the card payments on the clover devices to show up in the website?

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1 Answer

Shawn Wright avatar image
Shawn Wright answered robsmitha commented
Payeezy and Clover are different things altogether. You'd want to talk with your merchant account rep with First Data/Fiserver and request getting online access to Access One. That is an online reporting tool to view statements, batches, etc across all equipment associated to your merchant account.
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robsmitha avatar image robsmitha commented ·

Are you aware if the "Access One" online reporting tool allows us to refund card payments?

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