
Lorraine LIng avatar image
Lorraine LIng asked Lorraine LIng answered

Cannot connect Flex dev kit with USB to Android Studio - Cable missing?

Hi, I just received a Flex Dev kit model C401U, but cannot get USB debugging working, the Flex device is not listed.
Per the clover dev kit documentation, I associated the device with a test merchant account, I enabled developer options, and enabled USB debugging, and added a line with "0x27f3" to adb_usb.ini, but cannot see device listed with "adb devices" terminal command. The documentation also indicates need to connect the provided Clover USB cable, but I did not see one in the boxes I was sent. I have the hub, but no USB cable. So I tried using a generic USB-C to USB-C as I do for debugging other android devices, but the Flex device still was not recognized. It seems similar to issue: but that issue is marked closed.
Is the missing USB cable the issue? How can I get it?
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Lorraine LIng avatar image Lorraine LIng commented ·

Do I need to purchase the cable separately? If so, what are the specs for it?

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1 Answer

Lorraine LIng avatar image
Lorraine LIng answered Dan Suspended commented
Purchasing a USB 2.0 A to B Cable did the trick. I bought Insignia brand from Best Buy. There are probably less expensive ones out there.
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