
Nirmal Jha avatar image
Nirmal Jha asked lisalm edited

How to add custom text to footer of receipt?

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to add text inside footer of receipt. I am able to add order note, but it is printing on top of receipt. I thought to use but it looks like it is no longer supported by new SDKs. I am wondering if there is any possibility to add text on receipt at bottom.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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bzhang avatar image bzhang commented ·

Hi Clover any answers on this?

This seems like a pain point when it comes to receipt, I'm not seeing any proper examples on setting up a receipt registration.

Does smart receipts always apply to every purchase?

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

You can still use the Receipt Registration mechanism. The samples were removed because the official line is that Smart Receipts are how to add data to a receipt. Docs for Smart Receipts are here:

The problem with Receipt Registration is that it only applies to paper receipts. That works for some cases but we're all looking forward to a future where receipts are primarily online.

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lianass avatar image
lianass answered

I have long been looking for a service that will help me cope with writing written works. And finally I managed to find professionals. specialists are always ready to help in completing any tasks. And they perform them with high uniqueness.

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