@Lee Tickett payment receipt. When we click on the option print receipt. I want the qrcode of that order id on that receipt
PrintJob ipj = new ImagePrintJob.Builder().bitmap(bmp).maxWidth().build(); ipj.print(context, CloverAccount.getAccount(context));
@Lee Tickett I want this qrcode to be printed at the bottom of print receipt.
Also if it is possible with smart receipt , how i can create a qrcode for that order .So that if someone scans it , it should redirect to that order.
@Jeffrey Blattman The scenario is like When the intent is fired from clover device after payment is done , a popup is opened with yes/no button to get some info. Now after pressing button of print receipt from clover mini , I want a qrcode printed on the payment receipt at the bottom with some text. The qrcode will be created with same order_id which i have .
Now you have given these two files. I dont have to show any other ui . I just have to print the qrcode on the payment receipt bottom. Thanks. Please suggest
I suggest looking at the samples I provided. AFAICT it's exactly what you want.
We do not have any "print barcode with order URL" feature. If you want a barcode printed at the bottom of the receipt, you have to generate and provide the barcode image yourself with the mechanism I linked above.
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