
rayvictorell avatar image
rayvictorell asked Jeffrey Blattman edited

How would I go about changing Language To Chinese, Japanese, Spanish?

I would like to get something developed so my clients can use the machine. Apparently there is nothing out there that allows other native tongues to use the Clover POS Systems. There are more Chinese restaurants in America then McDonalds and yet today we only have a few languages like English, Dutch, German & Spanish...
Any help or direction would be great. Have the ability to program using Android Studio but testing and uploading and getting my app on the app store would be great.
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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Jeffrey Blattman edited
As you noted Clover apps and the system only support en, de, es today. Specific support depends on the device. For example Station 2018 is a US-only device so it supports English only.

Our localization strategy is more focused on regional support than secondary languages. E.g. we don't support German for US-based German businesses but rather for deployment in Germany. It's not that we don't want to of course it's just hasn't been a priority.

It seems like it is possible to provide extended language support within your app alone. For example, read:

You would supply your own language picker. Note that I haven't implemented this myself, just noting that from some quick googling it is possible.
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