
Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett asked

Changing App Pricing

We often want to change our pricing and the current way it works is a pain. We have to create a new subscription tier.
Assume our app already has 3 tiers and we want to increase the price by 10% we will have to create 3 new tiers and modify our app to handle all of the new subscription ids on top of the old ones.
Sometimes this problem even arises before an app is approved where the subscription price is locked because Clover debug/test devices have the app installed.
I fully appreciate that you should NOT be able to change the price for anyone who has already installed and agreed to the old price BUT I would love to see the ability to change the price so all new installs were charged the new rate.
Clover- is there any possibility you can change the way this works in future?
App Market
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