I don't know how the online receipts work.
Regarding the order state, if it is not showing up in the Orders app, then the state is probably still null. How are you adding the line item? If you are using the OrderConnector with an android app, then engine is updating the state to OPEN when you add the line item, which is why it is now showing up in the Orders app.
Please provide information on exactly how you are modifying the order, and the state of the order after each operation if you need further assistance.
Just like the title, we are using REST API to create order, adding item and other actions.
When we adding item, no state set until the order has been paid.
We are going to test again later and let you know the details
I did some testing, and at least on our dev server, orders do not appear in the list in web Orders app with a null state normally, but if you search by the uuid (e.g.
ATQSK831NPJXM), then they do appear, and then there is a button for the web receipt and if you follow that it also works. Let me know if this is consistent with what you find.
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