Hi @morenoh149, I'm not sure I understand your question. The display size and the canvas size should be similar, if not the same. You can also utilize built-in Android functionality to have your app "fill the screen".
We also have hardware specifications for each device here.
Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); Point size = new Point(); display.getSize(size);It'd help to understand why you need this information.
We wanted this info so we could provide the dimension of the app to a designer. In our case we won't be needing this as https://docs.clover.com/clover-platform/docs/creating-custom-tender-apps#section--customer-facing-setup- recommends `Customer-facing user experiences must always be fullscreen to prevent the customer from navigating away from your app.` The app dimensions (device screen - top bar - bottom bar) would still be useful for future developers making merchant-facing apps.
Right, and understood. In general you want you layouts to be flexible enough such that a few tens of pixels aren't going to change things. E.g., if we came out with a device that was 1200 pixels high, your layout for 1080 high should just work. You wouldn't want to have to go back to your designer for something like that.
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