
liam avatar image
liam asked chanel Deactivated answered

External Gift Card/Tax

In this screenshot below the order total is $2.87 which includes 6% tax. We apply a payment of $2.87 to cover the bill total but the Clover system does not recognize that this includes a payment for tax:

I notice that there is a "tax amount" item that can be submitted in a payment to the Clover API:

  1. Do we need to tell Clover how much of the payment applied is tax?
  2. If so, can we do this with the above call?
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1 Answer

chanel avatar image
chanel Deactivated answered
Tax is applied based on the line items or the order level tax. It looks like you're adding the tax manually to the order. To see the expected functionality, the inventory item needs to have a tax rate associated with it.

If the inventory items already have a tax rate, and you're still seeing this issue, please provide more details (for instance, what code are you using to make the payment? What is your set up?).
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