
thedangler avatar image
thedangler asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Present a custom screen before the customer pays

I would like to present a screen to the customer right before they pay or right after?
What would be the best way to do that using action intents. I know at some point you cannot interrupt the process once the payment process has started.

You I create a custom button on the orders?
Or would it be best to some how fire an action intent to show the screen after the payment?

PaymentsClover Flex
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chanel avatar image chanel commented ·

Can you elaborate on what you mean by "custom button on the orders"? Do you want to add the button to the Register App? If yes, then I'm afraid that's not possible.

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thedangler avatar image thedangler chanel commented ·

I want to show a screen that the client interacts with right before they pay or right after they pay. Does that help?

I thought if there was not way to have something pop up when server starts the payment process, maybe I can make a button that they press which launches my screen, then contnues with the payment process.

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chanel avatar image chanel thedangler commented ·

The specific use case of adding a button during the payment process is not possible.

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1 Answer

chanel avatar image
chanel Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

You can listen for a payment being successfully processed and display your screen then. Of course, remember to make sure the screen is able to return to the normal flow for the next transaction.

10 |2000

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edward avatar image edward commented ·

Link is broken.

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