
tlf avatar image
tlf asked tlf commented

Enabling vaultedCard to enable users to save credit cards

We'd like to enable the saving of credit cards for our mobile app users. We have 3 merchants for which we'd like vaultedCard functionality enabled.

We will also have another store opening up in 2019. While we have not yet started building that store out, please let me know how I can mark all future stores to have a similar vaultedCard setup.

We've tested the feature in our sandbox merchants with success, however upon our production rollout we discovered the functionality is disabled. This is adversely impacting our customer experience, and would like to get this resolved as quickly as possible.

Please let me know how we can proceed.

Thank you,
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1 Answer

zgreathouse avatar image
zgreathouse Deactivated answered tlf commented
If Merchants are not boarded with multi-pay tokens enabled, then they would need to contact their reseller to have this enabled. (This feature is something the Merchant pays extra for.)
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tlf avatar image tlf commented ·

I worked with FirstData and got this resolved. This involved swapping out the certs at each location to enable multipay tokens. This kills CC processing while the swap is occurring, but each one took less than 30 minutes. busy terminals caused some delays in cert install.

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