
invoicepronto avatar image
invoicepronto asked invoicepronto answered

Dev kit merchant crashs in genymotion

When I try to emulate my sandbox merchant used in my dev kit the emulator crashes every time. I have reprovisioned the dev kit and the dev kit works great. Other sand box merchants not associated with the dev kit emulate fine as well. Any suggestions? I did notice the dev kit has the newer style register and the emulator has the older style register.
10 |2000

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chanel avatar image chanel commented ·

Please review our guide for asking questions and be sure to provide the full details for your issues. For instance, what do the crash logs say? Is there any difference between your test merchants?

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invoicepronto avatar image invoicepronto commented ·
The error message in genymotion says unfortunately clover has stopped. The issue occurs when a test sandbox merchant is in the dev kit and fully associated with dev kit. Genymotion will not load that merchant but will load any and every other test merchant we have associated with the same developer account in the sandbox as long as they are not associated with the dev kit.
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ invoicepronto commented ·

At the very least you need to provide the logcat. See the guide @Chanel linked. You can post it on pastebin and link to it here.

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1 Answer

invoicepronto avatar image
invoicepronto answered
I figured this out. I reprovisioned the mini dev kit and than created a new virtual device in the emulator. Between the two the issue was resolved.
10 |2000

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