
pst avatar image
pst asked pst commented

Can I reuse a stored Payeezy token with Clover semi-integration

subject say it all. Since these are both FirstData, do they share the same key vault? I'd like to use Payeezy for our web sales, store the token from that transaction, and then be able to allow the customer to pay with the "card on file" when they are onsite.
Clover Mini
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pst avatar image pst commented ·

For anyone interested, if you need this functionality, I have successfully done this in a production environment and it works. The Clover MID (and the Payeezy MID, if they're different) need to have TransArmor Multi-Pay. Ask for Multi-Pay explicitly as they don't always turn it on by default.

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keithryanwong avatar image
keithryanwong Deactivated answered pst commented
Hi @PST,

If you would like to do web sales, I would suggest keeping everything in the Clover ecosystem with our Dev Pay API:
It will hand you back the token that you can then use onsite.

In the case that you already have a Payeezy setup and want to stick with it, please talk with them about the possibilities and what would need happen.

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pst avatar image pst commented ·

I am pursuing Dev Pay for taking payments with vaulted cards (a separate need than the web payments need for this same solution.. having to do with automated payment plan payments). Just one last note: I have been getting indications from my ISO (merchant services provider) and from certain support representatives at Payeezy and Clover that what I'm trying to do with creating tokenized card data through Payeezy TransArmor tokens and then use them as Clover TransArmor tokens is allegedly possible. I have to create a production Payeezy account to use with my production Clover account in order to verify this.

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pst avatar image
pst answered
I had tried to send an email to Payeezy support and did not receive a timely reply so called their support I was able to speak with a Payeezy support rep over the phone and who indicated that it would be possible to use Payeezy to retrieve a TransArmor multi-use Token and that token should be able to be used through a Clover device transaction. Then I received a response from the original email I'd send and that rep said it cannot be done. Ultimately I don't really care about which processor the transaction goes to and would be perfectly happy simply using the Clover Dev Pay API and glad to have it all "under one roof". However, a main goal of this effort is to take Card Account (PAN) Data completely out of scope. Payeezy accomplishes this by using a piece of client side javascript that communicates the PAN directly to Payeezy's server to retrieve a Transarmor Token. I suppose your dev pay could do the same, yet there does not appear to be a pre-built client side javascript app like Payeezy provides that handles the PAN data (keeping PAN out of scope of our network and servers)
10 |2000

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keithryanwong avatar image
keithryanwong Deactivated answered pst commented
Hi @PST,

It's not currently on our roadmap to buff up our Dev Pay API, but we are aware that it's a concern for our developers looking for a web payment solution. At this time do you mind explaining your need for web payments in detail? You may post a private comment if you prefer:

The information you provide will be a boost to our ability to advocate adding it to the roadmap.

10 |2000

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pst avatar image pst commented ·
I have been trying to use Developer Pay to complete a test payment. Followed the oAuth instructions and I am able to get a "access_token" aka API_TOKEN aka oAuth token (can do that over and over just fine). However when I try to use my Merchant ID and the access_token using the C# example here all I ever get is a 401 Unauthorized when trying to retrieve the /v2/Merchant/{myMID}/pay/key (line 139 in the C# example). I have already set Permissions on the App in for Payment Read/Write + Process Credit Cards and also added Merchant Read just in case that was needed to retrieve that pay/key

I have tried over and over and still get the same results. Anything ideas??
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pst avatar image pst commented ·
For anyone else facing a similar issue, the problem in my case was that I had created the app and Added it to the Merchant Account before I added the Developer>App>Settings>Permissions (specifically you need Payments and Process Credit Card permissions set in order to make a call to /pay/key or /pay ... Uninstalling the App from the Merchant and then reinstalling the App to the merchant granted those permissions eliminated the 401 errors. Thank you @keithryanwong for this guidance!
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pst avatar image
pst answered keithryanwong Deactivated commented
Need for web payment is pretty straightforward. A billing page step in the purchase process where the end user client inputs their card information (PAN) and then a Next button takes them to a final verification page where they review the products and payments for the web purchase and then click a submit button which sends an Auth request to the merchant service provider (currently AuthorizeNet). If the Auth is successful then the order is persisted to the database. If the Auth is not successful then the end user can go back to the billing page and modify payment information.
So on the billing page would want the Next button to make an ajax call to your servers to send the PAN data directly to your API to retrieve a token. The response to the ajax call would be reviewed on the client side and if it was successful then the page, along with the tokenized PAN data would be submitted to my web server to get the final verification page and continue the purchase process. This is how the Payeezy.js would work. Payeezy provides the javascript "module" which handles the ajax call to get the token. So their takes the PAN data out of scope. I never actually touch the card data. It is input into a html textbox on the client and Payeezy's ajax call handles getting the token. I have to assume they have that solution certified.

If I had to write my own client side code, then essentially I'd be touching the card data while I'm transporting it to your DevPay API. I'm not a PCI expert but mainly my goal is to never have PAN data exposed to my systems or my network, effectively eliminating the need to become a PCI expert and worry about compliance.
hope that all made sense.
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10 |2000

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keithryanwong avatar image keithryanwong commented ·

That absolutely makes sense. Thank you for taking the time to explain! I've added notes to our internal feature request.

If you haven't already, please take a moment to also fill out our Know-Your-Integrator form:

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