
jasonwang1024 avatar image
jasonwang1024 asked thameema answered

Approval time

Been over a week now and still haven't heard back.
App Market
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Bryanne Vega avatar image Bryanne Vega commented ·

Good luck, I had to wait since November 27th, 2017 until 2 weeks ago.

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1 Answer

Bryanne Vega avatar image
Bryanne Vega answered
There are multiple steps involved when Pubkishing an application.

While Clover verifies your app, there's a legal process and this is the one that takes the most, depending on the amount of work load, my recommendation is make sure you're privacy policy, terms and other legal requirements are set.

I usually expect the process to last anywhere from 2 to 1 month.

Make sure your app is fully equipped to work on production with full functionalities and no crashing or ARN.

Remember that any changes and/or updates to your apps or documents will make the process delay over and over. So make sure you're submitting your final (or as close to) version for production.
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