
devendra avatar image
devendra asked racheladmin Deactivated answered

Certificate exception while connecting with clover mini device.

Hi Team,

We are integrating xstore POS with clover Mini device. We are able to make connection with clover Mini device on Dev Kit, but for same code snipet in production we are not able to connect with clover mini device and getting the certificate exception. Refer attached screenshot for the exception.We are suspecting that this is causing due to wrong certificate. Can we use the same certificate in the production kit that we are using in dev kit. If not how can we get certificate for production kit?Also, we are using jre 1.8.0_172 in production kit whereas in dev kit using jre 1.8.0_112 . Could that be an issue, if so please let us know.

Thanks in advance!!

Clover MiniProduction
exception.png (378.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

devendra avatar image
devendra answered
Hi Rachel,

Thanks for the info on certificates. However I have few below questions how to use them in better way:

  1. Is it advisable to create .truststore file at our POS side with both prod and dev certificates after downloading from your links and then use the same .truststore file in our code for connection?
  2. OR we can place both certificates at configured path in our machine (after downloading from your given links) and then load them in code in run time just like your code snippet?
  3. Also should we download certificates from your given link and use them, OR we should be using URL as one of the way in code snippet (e.g. is there any possibility that these certificates will be updated in future and then again we have to download them again?
  4. As per your one of the comment before we are launching the app in prod environment, we need to fill testing and validation form. Is this mandatory process and why it is required? Just for our info.
  5. Also who is required to fill this form, we who are developing the code for semi-integration between Clover mini and POS (in sand box env), OR our client (in prod env) who will be the end user of this application?
Please let us know if any confusion on any of the above.

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