Works well except I can't make a partial payment afterwards, I can only pay the full amount on the order.
Any work around?
/** * Launch the secure payment activity (Requires that your app has "clover.permission.ACTION_PAY" in its AndroidManifest.xml file) * <p> * Extras passed: * <ul> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_AMOUNT} - amount to be paid (Required)</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ORDER_ID} - order associated with payment, if excluded, a new order record will be created</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_CARD_ENTRY_METHODS} - allowed payment types, default all allowed</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_EMPLOYEE_ID} - employee conducting transaction</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_TIP_AMOUNT} - tip amount</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_TAX_AMOUNT} - tax amount</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_TAXABLE_AMOUNTS} - tax rates, with eligible amounts</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_SERVICE_CHARGE_AMOUNT} - service charge amount</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_DISABLE_CASHBACK} - disable option for cashback during payment, default false</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_IS_TESTING} - whether payment is testing mode</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_VOICE_AUTH_CODE} - voice auth code</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_AVS_POSTAL_CODE} - postal code associated with payment</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_CARD_NOT_PRESENT} - whether payment card is not present, default false</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_REMOTE_PRINT} - if printing will be delegated to remote device</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_TRANSACTION_NO} - transaction number for payment</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_FORCE_SWIPE_PIN_ENTRY} - if only payment option will be swipe debit, default false</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_DISABLE_RESTART_TRANSACTION_WHEN_FAILED} - if activity will end after failed transaction, default false</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_EXTERNAL_PAYMENT_ID} - external payment id, used for integration with other POS platforms</li> * </ul> * <p> * Result data includes: * <ul> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_PAYMENT} - created payment</li> * <li>{@link #EXTRA_PAYMENT_ID} - created payment's UUID</li> * </ul> * <p> * Result codes: * <ul> * <li>{@link} - payment successful</li> * <li>{@link} - payment not successful (Cancel button)</li> * </ul> */ public static final String ACTION_SECURE_PAY = "clover.intent.action.START_SECURE_PAYMENT";