Hello, I'm trying to retrieve a list of my orders in my PROD env, but when I use the API request shown in the documentation I receive an empty list back.
Here is the way I'm performing my request:
I know I have orders created because I can see them in my custom TestMerchant dashboard, aswell as I can also call an individual order to see it's details. Here is a screenshot showing I can view a single order, given the order ID:
Note, the access token I'm using should be correct as I'm able to create custom orders and view single orders using it.
One important note is that I tried testing in a sandbox account in Europe by creating and account with sandbox developer account. When I created a custom order and used a GET request to view my orders it worked. However now I have a global developer account and it seems on this account the same command doesn't seem to work. I ensured my Test Merchant is also located in Canada to test with my global developer account.
I've also tried testing with sending a GET request to https://api.clover.com/v3/merchants/GPJXJCVW8HPF1/orders and it still doesn't work as expected.