
vassoume avatar image
vassoume asked domainesia answered

Communication Failed, Please try again

Hi All

I'm facing this issue for couple months now. We've been using Clover Flex for a couple years, and then it unable to communicate. Using Pay Network Display, got the same error even doing manual sales by opening the Sales app included in Clover also got the same error.

Does anyone encountered it ? any idea. I tried to disassociated the device on sandbox and reassociate, nothing changed, also reset the device. I can navigate in the menu, open apps, install others, internet is available, but while trying a transaction I always got "Communucation failed, please try again" and "Done" button below.

semi-integrationsClover Flex
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timothymorgan answered

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domainesia avatar image
domainesia answered

The issue could be related to a network or configuration problem, as the device is connected to the internet but fails during transactions. You've already tried reassociating and resetting, so I recommend checking for any network-related restrictions or firewall settings that might be blocking communication with the payment gateway. Additionally, ensure your Clover Flex software is updated to the latest version. If the issue persists, it might be worth reaching out to Clover's customer support for further troubleshooting or a potential hardware replacement.

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