
dhanaraj avatar image
dhanaraj asked Jeffrey Blattman edited

How to inteact with swipe credit card payments and qr code and barcode programattically

How to interact with the following hardware-related work items:
1.accept multiple credit and debit payment types
2.Swipe (MSR)
3.EMV (chip + PIN; chip + signature)
4.Contactless (including Apple Pay)
5.PIN Debit
6.Barcode and QR code reading
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chanel avatar image chanel commented ·

Can you expand on your question? I'm not sure what kind of information you're looking for.

Clover devices all have some combination of these tools (specific information can be found here: ), however, all (except for the barcode scanner) are exclusively for use during payment transactions.

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Jeffrey Blattman edited
Developer apps cannot interact directly w/ the card reader hardware on the device. The main reason is security, but the truth is that you don't want to do that anyway. The rules and processes for dealing the many possible types of cards are obscene.

As a developer you can send a request to accept a payment using the Secure Payments app. This handles all card types. Please see ACTION_SECURE_PAY in the Clover Android SDK docs for a description.

For reading barcodes, see BarcodeScanner and BarcodeResult in the SDK. In a nutshell, you'll start the scanner using BarcodeScanner and listen for the result in a broadcast.

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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