
ashwinipatil avatar image
ashwinipatil asked Dan answered

Need open order application

I am also facing same issue ..Once place order I want to open order application...I am using following code

Intent intent = new Intent("com.clover.intent.action.START_ORDER_MANAGE");
intent.putExtra("com.clover.intent.extra.ORDER_ID", orderId);
startActivityForResult(intent, CloverConfig.CLOVER_ORDER_ACTIVTY_STATUS); 

.... but not able to open.... Plz Help....
OrdersClover Android SDK
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1 Answer

Dan avatar image
Dan answered
it looks like you are using the correct action, and providing the correct order id extra. You may want to try using startActivity(...) instead of startActivityForResult(...). the activity you are using is not designed to return a result, and the documentation form startActivityForResult states that "Note that this method should only be used with Intent protocols that are defined to return a result."
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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