
letobukarica avatar image
letobukarica asked chanel Deactivated edited

Printed receipt - Retain this copy text

There is a sentence: "Retain this copy for statement validation" that shows up on the printed receipt on all of the payment methods except cash.

Is there any way of removing it for custom tenders?

10 |2000

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letobukarica avatar image letobukarica commented ·
Hi @Miguel,

Here are the receipts for the CC and a custom tender. We are pointing to Sandbox with a DevKit.

Kind regards.

P.S. Sorry for the resolution, there is a size limit for attachment so I can't put it in a better one.
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letobukarica avatar image letobukarica commented ·
Hi @Miguel,

Do you maybe have any new feedback on this topic?

Kind regards,
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letobukarica avatar image letobukarica commented ·
Hi @Chanel,

We are using a DevKit of Clover Mini. Specifications from the settings:
ID: C030UQ54340345
Model name: Clover Mini Wi-Fi
Model Number: C300
Build Number: 1 01.48.0944 01.59.1212 (01.00132) SRED Disabled.

I'm attaching the rest of the receipts.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
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receipts-small.jpg (497.7 KiB)
letobukarica avatar image letobukarica commented ·

Hi @Sam,

We did a factory reset and we also change merchants fairly often. None of our merchant settings have Custom footer text.

With a Google search you can find that sentence on various Clover receipts. (e.g. page 8 of this document:

Our most recent exploration seems to point to a configuration of "Signature Entry Location". That seems fine for a credit card transaction but it shouldn't show for Custom Tender. I'm attaching the screenshot.

Kind regards,

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signature-clover.png (498.2 KiB)

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