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accloverdev suggested ambient sent

Migrate Clover Account

I understand Clover accounts are linked with the MSP/ISO (merchant ID) they have signed up with and devices cannot be re-provisioned (for whatever reason). Why is this?

Why can't a Clover account (and its data) - the merchant ID - be moved to another clover device?

Clover StationMerchant
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asssilem avatar image
asssilem commented

Clover accounts are tied to their MSP/ISO for security, compliance, and contractual reasons. Devices are uniquely provisioned to prevent fraud, ensure data integrity, and streamline support. Accounts cannot move between devices because it disrupts these safeguards. Check Candy Clicker to get more.

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jurants avatar image
jurants commented

Why Not Allow Device Transfers with Data Migration?

  • Complexity of Cross-MSP Data Transfer: Even if the data remains within the same MSP/ISO, transferring transactional data securely while maintaining compliance is technically challenging.
  • Custom Configurations and Apps: Clover systems often include custom apps like Penalty Shooters and integrations tailored to a specific merchant and their MSP. These configurations might not work properly on a new device.

Here may be what you need.

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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 1.0 MiB each and 10.0 MiB total.

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