
kk93 avatar image
kk93 asked jenson answered

Integration with receipt information originating from clover devices.

Hi team,

We have created an app that digitizes receipts and coupons completely. We are looking to create a counterpart app for clover sellers that will help deal with the merchant side of the flow.

Basically our merchant app, for any transaction that happens on a clover device, needs to know the receipt information and the device where the transaction was processed.
I have been looking around in the developer documentation for this but couldn't find anything concrete.

Can you point me to the right direction in terms of what apis/webhooks we should be leveraging to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance.

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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered

You should be able to retrieve all information for an order using a call to getOrder. From the order, you will be able to access all the UUIDs of payments made for the order. These payments will include the ID of the device used to complete the payment.

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etherealestelle avatar image
etherealestelle answered

If you're looking to integrate receipt information from Clover devices, it's a great way to streamline your workflow. You can easily manage transactions and customer data in one place. Speaking of practical tips, if you're tackling a home improvement project like removing commercial tile from a concrete floor, be sure to use a good tile scraper or chisel to gently lift the tiles. Apply a bit of heat or a tile adhesive remover to make the process smoother. It’s all about patience and the right tools! Learn more How to Remove Tile From Concrete Floor

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richerson avatar image
richerson answered

Great insights shared in this blog post! It really got me thinking about [topic] from a different perspective. usmle step 2 qbank

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isobel avatar image
isobel answered

I enjoyed the variety of perspectives presented in this post. It adds depth to the discussion on [topic]. ooglidcorrectie zonder operatie

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jenson avatar image
jenson answered

Your blog is a treasure trove of knowledge on [subject]. Thanks for sharing your expertise with your readers. uscis approved translators near me

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