
Alan avatar image
Alan asked Alan answered

Notifications not working on EU

Hi Clover,
Our notifications are not working on the EU server for the past few days.
The response is returning `{}` as usual, but our store's clover devices are not getting anything.
(We have been posting via the eu api for the past 8 months, it's working on sandbox, but not eu which indicates it's not an issue caused on our end.
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1 Answer

Alan avatar image
Alan answered Alan edited
They're suddenly working again now. It's hard to not look like fools when we can't give them a proper answer about why issues are happening, without us looking like we're always pointing the finger. It would be great to see clover add some more support resources for the app dev community.

I'm going to try to move over to a third party notification provider, and have a separate question open if anyone has any suggestions.
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