
shamvil avatar image
shamvil asked devender answered

How to integrate Clover payment api from web app in php?

Hi there,

I am new in clover api. I have created an web app in sandbox account. Now I want to integrate it that means integrate payments form my e-commerce website using this clover api.

I am using php and javascript in my e-commerce website. Is there any simple way/steps to integrate it in php or javascript?

I have even searched for all the docs but could not figure out which can help me make payments on a web app.

Please help..!!!

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devender avatar image
devender answered devender edited
Which class or libraries we need to include for this $rsa = new Crypt_RSA(); . I am trying to charge customer using credit , debit card in php framework cakephp 3+.

I got the prefix , modulus, exponent using below API URL

$url = ''.$merchant_Id.'/pay/key';
But i stuck with the Encryption using class $rsa = new Crypt_RSA();. So my question is it compulsory to Encrypt the customer credit card can we send it without Encryption ?

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pyronerd62 avatar image
pyronerd62 answered devender edited
PHP Secure Communications Library
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devender avatar image devender commented ·

I used the same library but i am getting the below error. I checked the class inside common it exist there.

Error: Class 'phpseclib\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey' not found 

I also use the phpseclib1.0.6 and phpseclib1.0.7 it retrun me the below error :-

Error: Class 'App\Controller\Crypt_RSA' not found

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devender avatar image devender commented ·

Now finaly i used the phpseclib1.0.6 everything is working but when i come to payment section then i got the below error :-

error: Protocol " https" not supported or disabled in libcurl
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pyronerd62 avatar image
pyronerd62 answered
If you decide to use 2.0 the classes changed a bit. Here's what I'm using
        $rsa = new RSA();

        $prefix = $this->key['prefix'];
        $modulus = $this->key['modulus'];
        $exponent = $this->key['exponent'];

        list($user_cc_mo,$user_cc_yr) = explode('/', $paymentData['exp']);
        $user_cc_no = str_replace('-','',$paymentData['cc']);
        $user_cc_cvv = (integer) $paymentData['cvv'];
        $user_zip = (integer) $profileData->zip;
        $first_6 = substr($user_cc_no, 0, 6);
        $last_4 = substr($user_cc_no, -4);
        // $user_cc_no = 4264281511118886;
        // $user_cc_cvv = 111;
        // $user_zip = 29368;
        // $first_6 = substr($user_cc_no, 0, 6);
        // $last_4 = substr($user_cc_no, -4);

        $stingToEnc = $prefix.$user_cc_no;
        //2.2. Generate an RSA public key using the modulus and exponent provided byGET /v2/merchant/{mId}/pay/key.
        $modulus = new BigInteger($modulus);
        $exponent = new BigInteger($exponent);

        $rsa->loadKey(['n' => $modulus, 'e' => $exponent]);

        //2.3. Encrypt the card number and prefix from step 1 with the public key.
        $ciphertext = $rsa->encrypt($stingToEnc);

        //3. Base64 encode the resulting encrypted data into a string which you will send to Clover in the “cardEncrypted” field.
        $cardEncrypted = base64_encode($ciphertext);

    /****************** POST DATA TO PAYMENT API ******************/

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pyronerd62 avatar image
pyronerd62 answered
I have a question for you. It regards the OAuth. Can you get this endpoint to work?
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devender avatar image
devender answered
Everything working fine now using phpseclib1.0.6 and only i am getting the currency error now :-
What will be valid currency i am using USD in currency parameters.

string(45) "{"message":"Please supply a valid currency."}"
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