
wsadiq avatar image
wsadiq asked maribel Deactivated answered

How to detect skipped signature

I am accepting payment using the intent ACTION_SECURE_PAY. Once the payment has been made and my activity's onActivityResult method is called and I retrieve the payment object, is there a way for me to detect if signature was captured or the customer instead chose to sign a paper receipt?

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1 Answer

maribel avatar image
maribel Deactivated answered
In the merchant settings, the merchant chooses whether to take tips on paper or to capture it on the device. You can find this in /v3/merchants/{mId}/properties onPaperTipSignatures is a boolean that if set indicates merchants are taking signatures on receipt. There is also a setting (signatureThreshold) for the merchant to choose what dollar amount threshold to then prompt for the signature. There is not an API to capture whether the signature was captured - the merchant needs to verify.

Can you describe what you're trying to do with the signature and why it's important to know whether a customer signed a receipt?
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