
superdave avatar image
superdave asked alikhan-123 answered

Custom Footer Text

I have a Mini DevKit, and I set a CUSTOM FOOTER TEXT in Mini and so every receipt it prints out the text on the bottom of the receipt.

Is there any API endpoint(s) that can retrieve such text?

Thank you

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

Yes, /v3/merchants/{ {mid}}/properties will return this information in the "receiptProperties" property, this is a JSON blob string.

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alikhan-123 avatar image
alikhan-123 answered

An invisible character is nothing but a blank white space. These characters are normally used to represent blank space and to send an empty message. Because of its characteristics, the system detects the empty character, but the viewer can't see the invisible space through their eyes.

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