
kcfdaniel avatar image
kcfdaniel asked nikki Deactivated answered

Clover Docs Navigation Stops Working After Clicking on Sub-menu Item

See attached video.

Environment: Macbook Pro M3 Pro, Google Chrome.

Reproduction Steps:

1. Open

2. Click on GLOBAL DEVELOPER PLATFORM > Clover global developer platform environments

3. Click on any other top level menu items to try and expand them <-- Doesn't work


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christinediamond avatar image
christinediamond answered

@kcfdaniel, I have reported this issue to our developer documentation host provider. We will try to get that fixed soon. Thanks for reporting it and for the GIF.

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kcfdaniel avatar image
kcfdaniel answered

Thanks , there are a bunch of other issues I found and created posts about them. Would be nice to get them sorted out as well, as many of them are still happening.

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