
sujinkim avatar image
sujinkim asked lisalm edited

Manual refund WITHOUT Transaction

We accidentally refunded to the customers another card using 'Manual Refund' function.

We only did put the informations that card number, amount, expire date, cvv, zip code on 'Manual Refund' menu.

In other words, we applied a manual refund to the card what had no payment.

The customer said they still haven't received the refund money on their card,

But in my account, the money has already been withdrawn.

How can has proceeded manual refund without payment transaction?

And how can we do for adjust it?

Thank you.

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doetangn55 avatar image
doetangn55 answered welar commented

For more information, get in touch with your gateway or payment processor. Give them an explanation of the circumstances and the specifics of the manual refund slope 2.
Inquire as to if there are any problems on their end and whether the refund was successfully applied to the card.

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welar avatar image welar commented ·

Great article! Manual refunds without transactions can be tricky but are sometimes necessary, especially in unique scenarios like resolving user issues on gaming platforms such as crazy games. Clear policies and communication are key. Thanks for sharing!

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jack97 avatar image
jack97 answered fristruither commented

Improve the process: To avoid similar situations from happening in the future, consider improving the manual refund process, such as adding a step to confirm fnf card information before issuing a refund.

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fristruither avatar image fristruither commented ·

Improving the refund process by confirming fnf card details before issuing refunds can save time and reduce errors. Platforms like abcya emphasize efficient workflows, and adopting similar strategies can enhance overall customer experience.

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