
adil avatar image
adil asked ripsuyasti answered

For oauth2 to work in production should i submit my application from developer settings

Should i submit my app in production for oauth to work ?


App MarketOAuthProduction
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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered Richelle Herrli commented

OAuth will work with your unsubmitted app when using test merchants attached to your developer account. If you attempt to install an app on a live merchant, you will not be able to until your app is approved/published.

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adil avatar image adil commented ·

Our app is a private app used by specific merchants only,

do we compulsarily need to add the appicon,screenshot,videos,merchant benefits while submitting the app for approval?

also how long does it take to be approved?

also is there any way only specific merchants can access my app ?

thank you

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adil avatar image adil adil commented ·

Can u tell us the compulsary fields we need to include while submitting private app.

its a little urgent, thanks

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Richelle Herrli avatar image Richelle Herrli ♦♦ adil commented ·
I could look this information up for you, but my way of doing that would be the same method you would do to find out: test what information you need to submit in the Clover dashboard. You should fill out all app information to the best of your ability.
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ripsuyasti avatar image
ripsuyasti answered

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axxa avatar image
axxa answered

To adjust voids or refunds via a REST API, ensure you have proper authorization and use the correct endpoint with relevant parameters (e.g., transaction ID, amount). Send a POST no-contract cable and internet package request to initiate adjustments, providing necessary details such as reason codes and customer information. Handle responses carefully to confirm adjustments are processed accurately and securely within your system's guidelines.

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roseharris avatar image
roseharris answered

Yes, to use OAuth2 in production, you need to submit your app from the developer settings. Think of it like installing solar energy panels; they need proper setup to function efficiently.

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ripsuyasti avatar image
ripsuyasti answered

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ripsuyasti avatar image
ripsuyasti answered

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ripsuyasti avatar image
ripsuyasti answered

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cougge avatar image
cougge answered cougge edited

Thanks for discussing this.
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ripsuyasti avatar image
ripsuyasti answered

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ripsuyasti avatar image
ripsuyasti answered

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