
ismdcf avatar image
ismdcf asked gonogo-dev answered

Order Not Found error

Today we started seeing the below issue with the production Clover APIs.

We are getting an Order not Found when we try to fetch the order from the Clover API once the order is placed.
We get a successful response for the Order creation, and with that Order ID we also do a bulk link item API update which gets successful as well.

However, the GET API end point with the same order ID to fetch the order fails with the below error message.

Request URL:{businessId}/orders/{orderId}?expand=lineItems

Error Message
{"details":"Order not found","message":"Not Found"}

Your immediate response is highly appreciated.
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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·

How is the order being placed (on the device, created by you via API) and what triggers you to retrieve the order after it was created?

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1 Answer

gonogo-dev avatar image
gonogo-dev answered

We're seeing the same issue. Creating the order via the API using atomic order and right after creating it, it disappears. Happened on Monday and it's happening again today at a few of our merchants. Of course, no updates on

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