
shivam-shukla-thinksys avatar image
shivam-shukla-thinksys asked denver32 answered

Seeking Advice: Implementing Custom Pop-up on Item Addition in Register App

Hello Clover Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently developing an Android app using the Clover Android SDK. One of the requirements of my project is to display a custom pop-up to request additional user details whenever a specific condition is met while adding items to the inventory. This pop-up will allow me to validate the details entered by the user and decide whether to allow the item addition or remove it accordingly.

I am planning to use the broadcast intent to receive the LINE_ITEM_ADD event and display the necessary UI for capturing these details. However, I wanted to reach out to the community to inquire if there might be a more efficient or recommended approach to achieve this functionality within the Clover SDK.

Any insights, suggestions, or best practices you could share would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

OrdersClover Android SDKclover developer communityInventoryLineItems
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florence023 avatar image
florence023 answered florence023 edited


Implementing a custom pop-up for additional user details during item addition in your Android app using the Clover Android SDK is a great idea. Let’s explore some approaches to achieve this:

Broadcast Intent (LINE_ITEM_ADD):

Your initial plan of using the broadcast intent to receive the LINE_ITEM_ADD event is a valid approach. When an item is added to the inventory, you can capture this event and display a custom pop-up to collect additional details.

Make sure to handle the UI components and validation logic within the event handler.

Custom Line Items:

Consider using custom line items in your order. You can create custom line items with specific properties (e.g., user details) and associate them with the order.

Use the OrderConnector’s addCustomLineItem method to add custom line items to the order.

Customize the UI for capturing user details when adding these custom line items.

Pop-up Placement:

Unfortunately, specifying the exact screen position for a pop-up notification within the Clover SDK is not directly supported. HealthInsuranceMarket

However, you can design your custom pop-up to appear near the relevant line item (e.g., next to the added item in the basket).

Ensure that the pop-up does not obstruct critical UI elements or interfere with the user experience.

Best Practices:

Keep the pop-up simple, intuitive, and unobtrusive. Users should understand its purpose and how to interact with it.

Validate user input promptly and provide clear feedback (e.g., error messages) if needed.

Test thoroughly to ensure smooth integration with the Clover SDK.

Hope this will help you.
Best regards,

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pamelaladd avatar image
pamelaladd answered shivam-shukla-thinksys commented

I'm looking for some guidance on implementing a custom pop-up feature in the Clover Register app that triggers whenever an item is added to the cart. The idea is to enhance user interaction by providing additional options or information when a new item is added. Here’s a breakdown of what I’m aiming to achieve and the steps I’ve considered so far.
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shivam-shukla-thinksys avatar image shivam-shukla-thinksys commented ·

Thanks for answering. Please provide the list of steps for reference.

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denver32 avatar image
denver32 answered

Faced the same issue.

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