
Jean Holland avatar image
Jean Holland asked Jean Holland answered

Sandbox request failing with "Unauthorized"

I am using as the request and the system generated token for this request. Authorization is Bearer token. I am getting "401 Unauthorized". Have tried too and that fails as well. I understand that the MID assigned to this sandbox account is the normal one. I followed the instructions for retrieving the Token which returned a GUID. Any ideas? Using Postman for testing.

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered

That's not a valid merchant ID, use the 13 character alpha-numeric, clover has a doc page on unauthorized errors that will tell you how to find it.

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Jean Holland avatar image
Jean Holland answered

Thanks you led me to find an alternative number. I should point out that in two places, the MID was noted as the RCTST.... number but another followed in the "Merchants" section in the first column and apparently that was what the API was looking for. It just was not labeled as the MID. Please note the snip below which was a bit misleadingscreenshot-2024-07-17-194917.jpg.screenshot-2024-07-17-194732.jpg

The first image shows where I eventually did find the request MID as it did appear underneath the company name (column labeled "Merchant"). I tested with that code, which was 13 characters and it worked.

Thanks again. Problem resolved.


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