
bll-mukesh-thakur avatar image
bll-mukesh-thakur asked smartersign answered

How do I install an APP with Auth V2 from the website?

How do I install an APP with Auth V2 from the website?


- When I try to install an APP using a website. The link returned an unauthorized error in my redirect URL. I think it's not using Auth V2. So, How can I install My App with Auth V2 by clover Website?


  • Login to the Clover website | URL:
  • Select App
  • Click on "Preview in App Market" top-right corner, inside 3 dots
  • Click on "Connect" to install the app1721138534640.png
1721138534640.png (9.5 KiB)
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ben-m avatar image
ben-m answered

The redirect URL needs to be part of your app URL settings, or a child/nested path of it.

IE: If your App domain (or CORS) is ``

You can redirect to ``

But you can't redirect to ``

This doesn't seem to be widely known / is undocumented.

Hope this helps!

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bll-mukesh-thakur avatar image
bll-mukesh-thakur answered ben-m commented

Installing the App from the web, the redirect URL returns the Old auth CODE, but I need the Auth V2 CODE to get access and refresh token by the Web.

Let me know if anyone knows that.

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ben-m avatar image ben-m commented ·

If I remember correctly, the code you receive as a URL parameter is the same for both v1 and v2. The difference when using the code method (Server to server / secure only) is what happens after the user is redirected to your URL with the code.

When the app is accessed from the webpage, ensure that the backend handling the request uses the correct URLs for v2. The token endpoint is now on the "api" subdomain, instead of "www" as it was in v1.

Verify each step of the process using a tool like Postman. This should help you identify where the issue occurs. Best of luck! :)

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Ralph Barile avatar image
Ralph Barile answered

I am having the same issue in sandbox when trying to connect the app to my merchant account from the Marketplace preview "Connect" button. I receive the error below.
The App does then appear in the App listings on the Merchant page, but a token was never received and clicking on the App raises the same error message.
My REST configuration is as follows:
Site URL: https://our-base-URL/api/v1/clover/oauth
CORS Domain: https://our-base-URL
Default OAUTH Response: CODE

{"statusType":"POS_ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID","message":"Failed to validate authentication code."}
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aamlye avatar image
aamlye answered

To install an app with Auth V2 from the website, first navigate to the download page and select the appropriate version for your device. Download and open the installer, following the on-screen prompts. When prompted, log in using your centurylink customer support number Auth V2 credentials. This ensures secure access and personalized features, completing the installation process seamlessly.

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smartersign avatar image
smartersign answered

The Clover Store and web portal will forward you to: however this will generate a code that is for v1 and when you pass it to the /oauth/v2/token url it will fail.
The URL it should forward you to is

I am extremely hesitant to make any changes to our live Clover app store listing so the only workaround is to redirect my callback to the v2 URL with the appropriate values.

Some official word from Clover would be appreciated because I can't believe we are the only two struggling with this.

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