
rickdorr avatar image
rickdorr asked wixpaypro answered

Wix integration

I want to get information about integrating with Wix website.

1. Want sync/integrate inventory and take payments for products.

2. Want to take payments for appointments scheduled through website as well

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered rjagger commented

If you are a merchant you will likely need to find/hire a developer to use our API to integrate your site. If you are a developer you should start with our REST API (see all subsections in the left nav), API reference here -

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rjagger avatar image rjagger commented ·

Have you completed this integration?

0 Likes 0 · avatar image answered rjagger commented

Hi @rickdorr
Both of your requirements can be done by using REST API.
You want to do it for only 1 Wix websites or many Wix websites?

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rjagger avatar image rjagger commented ·
Hi Phan, please explain in greater detail or give an example.
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rjagger avatar image
rjagger answered

Hi Phan,

One web site, the only issue right now is we need a linkable website for Clover is not working anymore? do you know the replacement site?

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wixpaypro avatar image
wixpaypro answered wixpaypro edited

@RJagger @rickdorr @gnzaid Check it out! We have a working solution for you to accept payments on your Wix website using Clover's payment gateway. Orders from Wix website will show in Clover's merchant dashboard as well. Demo video link >

Interested in this solution? Message us at or visit to find out more :)

wixpaypro-clover-payments.pngUse Clover To Accept Payments on Wix Websites

1716698531289.png (120.9 KiB)
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