
joedriscoll avatar image
joedriscoll asked kabnetic answered

How to test a REST app in the sandbox environment

I've created a REST application in my sandbox environment. The default oauth response is set to "code".

When attempting to do an install of the app on my test merchant, using the instructions found here: - my application gets the appropriate merchantId, employeeId, and code in the request, but when I try to request an api token from `` with a POST request including my app's id/secret along with the code provided from the oauth request, I receive a 401 error response.

What might I be doing wrong? Thanks for any help!

REST APISandboxOAuth
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1 Answer

kabnetic avatar image
kabnetic answered kabnetic edited

I am having the issue. When you try to even access the url gives a 404 not found. Which to me seems like the host does not exist.

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