
awaegel avatar image
awaegel asked emilyjohnson63 answered

Using REST API for simple internal integration


I'm veteran web developer who's new to Clover, and have a question about how to access our merchant data via the REST API.

The use case is querying Clover data from our website's administrative backend in order to generate on-demand reports of recent sales and current inventory levels.

There's seems to be a way to generate an API token directly from my Merchant Dashboard screen, but it seems that can no longer be used to access production data.

Instead, the docs ( direct me to set up a developer account and develop a Clover 'app', which I then install on my Merchant account. We then use standard OAuth techniques to obtain an authorization code and trade it for an access token that we can use to make an API request.

This basically makes sense, but I'm confused about taking this into production - It seems like I need to publish this 'app' in the Clover App marketplace, then connect it to my production account. Naturally I'm reluctant to do this, as we would never ever want any other Merchant to access this app.

Is this the only way for me to access my production data? All of the API documentation seems to be for the use case of Developers publishing Apps into the Marketplace, and while I'm willing to do this, it just seems like the wrong path.

Thanks for any feedback!

I've read previous posts on this forum from a few years back and it seems like I'm not the only one who's confused.

REST APIApp MarketOAuth
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lilly45 avatar image lilly45 commented ·

Using a REST API for simple internal integration involves creating a set of standardized rules for communication between different software applications within an organization. REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs use HTTP requests to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on resources, sportzfy app download represented in a stateless manner. For example, a company might use a REST API to allow their HR system to communicate with their payroll system. By sending HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to specific endpoints, the HR system can retrieve employee data from the payroll system or update records as needed. This approach ensures scalability, flexibility, and ease of maintenance, making it a preferred method for internal integrations.

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lilly45 avatar image lilly45 commented ·

Using a REST API for simple internal integration involves creating a set of standardized rules for communication between different software applications within an organization. REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs use HTTP requests to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on resources, represented in a stateless manner. For example, a company might use a REST API to allow their HR system sportzfy app download communicate with their payroll system. By sending HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to specific endpoints, the HR system can retrieve employee data from the payroll system or update records as needed. This approach ensures scalability, flexibility, and ease of maintenance, making it a preferred method for internal integrations.

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered

Clover discourages the use of merchant tokens, but they are perfectly fine to use in cases like this and will work on production. You can easily test this to verify what I am saying.

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awaegel avatar image
awaegel answered akr commented

Thanks - However I get "401 Unauthorized" when I try one of these tokens with the production API endpoints, so this might not work anymore.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 commented ·
Are you making the call directly from a web browser? If you are, you can't, you need to proxy the call via your server. Otherwise, you are either passing the token incorrectly or are using an improper merchant id (13 char alpha-numeric, check the URL in your dashboard for the correct id)
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awaegel avatar image awaegel parquet76 commented ·

I'm using curl from a command line like this:

curl --request GET --url '<13-char-id>'  --header 'accept: application/json'  --header 'authorization: Bearer <api-token-long-uuid>'

I've set up a Clover sandbox developer account and this scheme works perfectly there (once I learned where to find the actual merchant id).

Will continue to dig and post what I find; appreciate the suggestions.

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akr avatar image akr awaegel commented ·
Thanks! This helped me to figure how to connect without creating an app.
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essie-63 avatar image
essie-63 answered

Using a REST API for internal integration is a common and efficient way to enable communication between different systems or services within an organization.

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gptnederlands avatar image
gptnederlands answered logomaniya Suspended commented

This is a great question, and you're definitely not alone in your confusion! Clover's API documentation can be a bit developer-centric at times. Thankfully, there are ways to access your production data without publishing a full-fledged app in the marketplace. I'd suggest checking out ChatGPT for potential solutions. It might be able to provide code snippets or alternative approaches based on the latest Clover API updates.

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cohix avatar image
cohix answered

Using a REST API for simple internal integration is a common practice to allow different parts of your application to communicate with each other click here to get more information or to connect with external services.

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cohix avatar image
cohix answered

Using a REST API for internal integration is a great way to connect different systems or services within your organization. you can create a inen sheets robust internal API that facilitates smooth integration between your systems. If you have specific questions or need further details on any part of the process, let me know!

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stardewvaly3 avatar image
stardewvaly3 answered

Using a REST API for simple internal integration allows seamless data exchange between applications. While unrelated, Smart Play APK helps developers test and manage API integrations efficiently.

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cohix avatar image
cohix answered

Using a REST API for simple internal integration involves designing endpoints to expose internal resources, such as users or products, and utilizing Islamic Counseling standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE for communication.

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cohix avatar image
cohix answered

Using a REST API for simple internal integration allows different internal systems to communicate by defining endpoints and using HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to exchange data, usually in JSON format. It simplifies interactions terabox no ads between systems and services while enabling efficient data transfer and automation. Security and error handling should also be implemented.

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fastestbeam avatar image
fastestbeam answered

Using a REST API for simple internal integration involves sending HTTP requests (GET, POST, etc.) to exchange data between systems and site. It's lightweight, supports multiple formats like JSON, and allows seamless communication between applications for efficient data handling.

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