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ismdcf asked 15mgm15 answered

Voiding of Debit Payments via Clover android sdk not working

Hi Team

We are trying to void a payment immediately after a sale request if it was partially paid using the clover android SDK

VoidPaymentRequest voidPaymentRequest = new VoidPaymentRequest();

It seems debit card payments are not being voided and are marking the order as PARTIALLY_PAID.

What is the ideal way of initiating a void for debit card orders?

Also, Is there a way to identify from a sale response if it was a debit card order? Using the clover android sdk

Clover Android SDKPaymentConnectorpaymentstate
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ismdcf avatar image ismdcf commented ·

Kind Reminder On this

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15mgm15 avatar image
15mgm15 answered

@ismdcf Did you find an answer?

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