
ismdcf avatar image
ismdcf asked raymondpickering commented

Total of voided order via Clover Android SDK becomes Zero

Following order is a voided order done via the clover android SDK. As you can see the total has become $0.00.


Following order is a same order as above (similar line items, taxes, discounts) but without voiding where the total is as intended.


Regarding the above behavior I have below three questions.

  1. Is the above behavior where order total becomes zero for voided orders is a expected behavior on clover?
  2. Generally how much time is taken to void to complete and appear on the clover dashboard? (The order in the first screenshot is still not voided at 16-Feb-2021 01:32AM )
  3. When it comes to voiding debit cards payments, are there any constraints or limitations while using the Clover Android SDK? (This concern came up because almost all the debit card orders which were voided are still not appearing as void orders in the clover dashboard).

Please note that all the above transactions are done on Clover Production environment with Clover Mini 2 device.

Clover Android SDKClover MiniPaymentConnector
1613418621365.png (12.9 KiB)
1613418756775.png (12.8 KiB)
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raymondpickering avatar image raymondpickering commented ·

It’s crucial to understand the voiding process on the Clover dashboard. From my experience, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours for voids to appear. Regarding the Clover Android SDK, ensure you're following the latest documentation, as there can be limitations based on transaction status. Speaking of time, I recently enjoyed the Pacman 30th Anniversary game—perfect for those waiting on transactions!

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered ismdcf rolled back

From our logs, I am not seeing order 3MD......B0 ever having a total set other than 0. The 0 total doesn't have anything to do with the void. For 2, per our logs I don't see any record of a void for the payment associated with that order either. So I am not sure what you are doing (perhaps you should provide some details) but the information you are providing us doesn't appear to be accurate.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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