
Alexey avatar image
Alexey asked Alexey commented

Looking for a proper way of adding payment for order


I add payment to an order using this request:

{ "tender": { "id": "0C43K09N1XFBG" }, "amount": 1100, "cardTransaction": { "entryType": null, "last4": "0000", "authCode": null, "avsResult": "SUCCESS", "cardType": "VISA", "transactionNo": "XXX", "type": null, "first6": "0000*", "token": null, "cloverVaultedCard": null, "endBalance": null, "cardHolderName": "Not specified", "state": "CLOSED" }, "taxAmount": 100, "result": "SUCCESS" }

Is that a proper way to create payment for order? Should I add lineitem payments and taxrates and etc? What are restricted payment parameters to provide correct work?

10 |2000

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jvictor avatar image
jvictor answered sam Deactivated commented


 We are able to make the payment using Spreedly and the endpoint. We are using the id of "External Payment" as tender. But accessing the Orders tab of the Clover dashboard the order is nowhere to be found. Accessing the Payments tab, we can see the payment and the associated correct order id. Clicking on the order id brings up the order details but clicking on the receipt link get us the error below. 1) How do we get the order to show up in the Orders tab and 2) why is no receipt generated.

//<... id="">

{ "message": "We couldn't find that receipt. The payment id was 'BT812VSTMH2VJ'" }

Thanks in advance.

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Alexey avatar image
Alexey answered

"Specificity of your payment information will be determined by your own needs. We encourage you add tax information but these optional params are used in your own discretion." By these words I still in doubt. So if I don't need any other info from payment, my way of creating payment is correct and will not cause any problems later? I mean global process of merchant activities (problems with taxes or something like that).

10 |2000

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