
Mikhail avatar image
Mikhail asked Mikhail commented

How to charge credit cards with Clover API?


We create white-label mobile apps for Clover Merchants and we have a Digital Ordering module in those apps. In this module we need to charge money from Merchants' consumers when they place orders. Is it possible to charge credit cards via Clover API or we should use Payeezy (we already have integration with Payeezy, but we want to create a simple registration process for our customers)?

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1 Answer

sam avatar image
sam Deactivated answered Mikhail commented

You can use our Developer Pay endpoint to make payments, within the US. This will allow merchants to use one MID to process all of their payments. If you decide to use Payeezy, your merchants will require a second MID, at the moment. If you have specific questions about implementing our Developer Pay, please feel free to ask and search on DevAsk.

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Mikhail avatar image Mikhail commented ·

@Sam, thanks a lot for the answer! So we have 2 options, correct? 1. To use MID for Developer Pay 2. To create a Payeezy account for a Merchant and use api keys from it Is it possible to tokenize a credit card or hold money via Developer Pay endpoint? Other Clover API endpoints have version 3, but this one has version 2. Is there an endpoint for Developer Pay with version 3? Is it also possible to somehow create a Payeezy account for a Merchant from our side, as Clover and Payeezy are both First Data companies?

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sam avatar image sam commented ·

@Alexander_Zukov Yes, you're correct. At the moment, you will need to use Payeezy to implement multi pay feature. We are continuing to working to make Developer Pay even more feature-full in the future and will update the path version as those become available. From my understanding, the merchant will need work with Payeezy directly to acquire a new MID, which the developer will not be able to do on behalf of the merchant.

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