
jeevan2603 avatar image
jeevan2603 asked berthablea answered

Menu Timings

Does Clover has option to configure Menu Categories/Items available based on Time in the Clover dashboard? For example, availability of breakfast menu from 8AM - 11AM, then Lunch Menu goes on.

If available -
And we are able to sync Menu, but how can we sync timings as well?

If not - whats the alternative, do we have to control from our side if we are looking to push menu for online ordering only when applicable on time?

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

Are you a Clover merchant? Are you using a specific app? This forum is for developers that build apps on our platform to get development assistance. If you are a Clover merchant you should contact Clover support for assistance.

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berthablea avatar image
berthablea answered

Yes, Clover allows you to set up and manage a breakfast menu and other meal-specific menus based on timeframes, such as configuring breakfast availability from 8 AM to 11 AM, then transitioning to a lunch menu afterward. However, while you can sync menu items and categories, Clover doesn’t currently support automated syncing of time-based availability settings directly through the dashboard. As an alternative, you would need to control these time-based menu changes on your end, particularly for online ordering systems, to ensure that customers only see the relevant menu options during designated times.

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