On Friday (11/03) I was successfuly creating charges in the sandbox environment using tokenized success test credit cards:
curl --request POST \ --url https://token-sandbox.dev.clover.com/v1/tokens \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'apikey: {myapikey}' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{"card": {"brand": "VISA","number": "5204245250003294","exp_month": "12","exp_year": "2025","cvv": "123","last4": "3294","first6": "5204245", "country": "US", "name": "Joe Tester", "address_line1": "16 Test Road", "address_city": "New York", "address_state": "New York", "address_zip": "12572"}}'
Then creating the charge:
curl --request POST \ --url https://scl-sandbox.dev.clover.com/v1/charges \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'authorization: Bearer {myapikey}' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --header 'x-forwarded-for: 104.23.567.3' \ --data '{"ecomind": "ecom","amount": 1800,"currency": "USD","capture": true,"description": "Membership","source": "clv_1TSTSEbvSviL6xxxxx","receipt_email": "joe@test.com"}'
The charge request has been returning the following since Saturday (11/04) morning: {"message":"402 Payment Required","error":{"code":"card_declined","message":"System Error, please retry","charge":"XHF7JBEYX34WC","declineCode":"issuer_declined"}
I would think that I could not tokenize a bad credit card, and since nothing has changed on my end, I can only assume that the sandbox is experiencing a system glitch.
This is becoming very frustrating ....