Do I have any possibility to add tax to order items not in percentage representation (TaxRates) but in money amount representation? The third party service that we are using for integrating with Clover operates with money amount taxes.
Do I have any possibility to add tax to order items not in percentage representation (TaxRates) but in money amount representation? The third party service that we are using for integrating with Clover operates with money amount taxes.
I have another question. Should I use only registered in Merchant settings tax rates or can create dynamically for each line item in the order?
Also, I've try to add taxes by executing next code:
List<TaxRate> taxRates = mInventoryConnector.getTaxRates();
LineItem lineItem = new LineItem();
lineItem.setName("Test Item");
mOrderConnector.addCustomLineItem(orderToPay.getId(), lineItem, true);
Unfortunately, this code raises com.clover.sdk.v1.ClientException: status code: 400 cannot update one or more of these fields: LineItem{json='{"taxRates":{"elements":[]},"unitQty":1,"price":100,"name":"Test Item"}', bundle=null, changeLog=null} (In example tax rate list is empty, but even if it with one or more tax rates - the raised exception the same). But if remove adding tax rates for item, code works fine.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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