
Alan avatar image
Alan asked sam Deactivated commented

Items from orders created via API not appearing in the reporting app

Hi Clover, I'm creating orders from the API, but the items aren't appearing in the reporting app as taxed, even though the order's line items have taxRates.

  1. I've tried creating line items without providing taxrates
  2. And creating line items, providing the tax rates in my POST
  3. I have tax rates applied to all item
  4. I've made sure tax reporting is working for the same items, by ordering manually on the clover device (by cash)

Thanks, Alan

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Alan avatar image Alan commented ·

My last guess is it's something to do with the payment? Do I need to attach the line item ids that were paid for, when creating the payment?

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voski avatar image voski commented ·

It does not report on items that are just added to the order. The order must be paid or refunded.

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Alan avatar image Alan commented ·

@Voski I'm paying for the order using my own tender type (with tax enabled).

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Alan avatar image Alan commented ·

Thanks @Sam, I'll try this. I'm using Nodejs, are there any clover/third party libraries for calculating tax with clover? I see @jacobabrams suggested this a few years ago Thanks!

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Alan avatar image Alan commented ·

Thanks @Sam !

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