
rasmus avatar image
rasmus asked rasmus answered

Business EIN/Tax ID Save Issue


We're in the process of submitting our application to become an approved developer. However, we're encountering a challenge. We can't seem to update any of the information on the Developer Info page. Everytime we try up update, no change is persisted, and the console throws a 403 (Forbidden) error on the POST

Any suggestions on how to update the info?

Thanks in advance!

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victormarcel09 avatar image
victormarcel09 answered victormarcel09 edited

You can double-check your authentication and ensure that you're using valid credentials and have the necessary permissions. And verify that your developer account is properly set up and associated with the application you're trying to update. Sharp Follow My Health

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rasmus avatar image rasmus commented ·

Thank you for your response. I'd like to clarify that I'm trying to update the information via the UI on [](, not via an API call directly.

To provide further context:

1. I am logged in with an account that has owner permissions.

2. I am able to navigate through the UI and reach the Developer Info page, but can't seem to save any changes made there.

3. I'm getting a 403 (Forbidden) error in the console when trying to update.

4. Additionally, I've noticed a 404 error in the console for the file [](

5. I've even tried accessing the portal via VPNs from the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands to rule out any region-specific issues, but the problem persists.

Given these points:

1. Is there a specific set of permissions or settings within the developer portal that could be restricting updates, even if one has owner permissions?

2. Is there any known issue or ongoing maintenance with the developer portal that could be causing this?

3. The 404 error on the mentioned JSON file, is it crucial for the update operation and could it be the reason for the problem?

4. Could there be any other potential reasons I might be encountering this issue, perhaps some IP restrictions, session time-outs, or issues with the server hosting the JSON file?

I appreciate your assistance and am eager to resolve this issue to complete our application process.

Thanks in advance!

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rasmus avatar image
rasmus answered

Thank you all for your assistance. I came across an answer in another thread that might explain the issue. According to the post on [this page]( "As of now, account verification is not supported in Sandbox. There is no need to get verified in Sandbox as this is only for testing purposes. Account verification is important with your Production Developer Account."

Given this information, it seems the inability to update certain details could be due to the limitations within the Sandbox environment. I'll shift my focus to ensuring our Production Developer Account is set up correctly. If anyone has additional insights or has faced similar challenges, your feedback would be invaluable. Thanks again for your help!

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